Железничка ван центра = земља трећег света.
Main Station out of the center = third world country.
Link for signing the petition
Main Station out of the center = third world country.
Link for signing the petition
Ми доле потписани пунолетни грађани Србије захтевамо да
путничка железничка станица остане уз историјски, административни, културни,
образовни и туристички центар Београда. Под тим се подразумева останак садашње
Железничке станице на Савском тргу, у односу на коју се Београд развијао као
престоница и једна од најважнијих метропола у Југоисточној Европи.
We demand from authorities in Belgrade and Serbia to keep the main passenger train station in the historic, administrative, culture, education and touristic center of Belgrade. By that, we mean the remainder of the present Railway Station on Sava Square, in relation to which Belgrade was developing as a capital and one of the most important metropolises in Southeast Europe.
We demand from authorities in Belgrade and Serbia to keep the main passenger train station in the historic, administrative, culture, education and touristic center of Belgrade. By that, we mean the remainder of the present Railway Station on Sava Square, in relation to which Belgrade was developing as a capital and one of the most important metropolises in Southeast Europe.
У односу на Железничку станицу се се више од једног века
развијале улична и трамвајска мрежа, занатске и трговачке четврти, хотели,
најпрестижније средње школе (Никола Тесла, Математичка и Филолошка гимназија),
централне зграде институција државног значаја, чворишта јавног превоза, већина
амбасада, односно све од чега је Прокоп предалеко. Пресељење главнине
железничког саобраћаја на недовршену и јавним градским саобраћајем изузетно
скромно повезану станицу "Београд-центар" у Прокопу, већ је показало
велике слабости и отежало коришћење железнице, свакако утичући и на смањење
броја путника.
In relation to the Railway Station was developed street and tram networks, craft and shopping districts, hotels, most prestigious secondary schools (Nikola Tesla, Mathematical and Philological Gymnasium), central buildings of state importance, public transport nodes, most of the embassies, or everything from which the new station in Prokop("Belgrade Center") is too far away. The relocation the majority of main raillines to unfinished station "Belgrade Center" in Prokop already results in few times lower ridership, even on reconstructed track to Valjevo and Užice! After reconstruction, travel time by trains is shorter than by bus. But location very modestly served by public transport, and outside of any major point which atract the passengers results in historically the lowest ridership!
In relation to the Railway Station was developed street and tram networks, craft and shopping districts, hotels, most prestigious secondary schools (Nikola Tesla, Mathematical and Philological Gymnasium), central buildings of state importance, public transport nodes, most of the embassies, or everything from which the new station in Prokop("Belgrade Center") is too far away. The relocation the majority of main raillines to unfinished station "Belgrade Center" in Prokop already results in few times lower ridership, even on reconstructed track to Valjevo and Užice! After reconstruction, travel time by trains is shorter than by bus. But location very modestly served by public transport, and outside of any major point which atract the passengers results in historically the lowest ridership!
У земљама првог и другог света, па и у земљама трећег света
које имају визију развоја, управо локације уз активне железничке станице су
највредније оним инвеститорима који то заиста и јесу! Разлог је што је
железница једини транспортни систем који има техничких могућности да брзо,
економично и директно превезе велики број људи са великих раздаљина, а да
притом заузима минималну површину. Након уклањања некоришћених магацина,
барака, аутобуских паркиралишта, бетонске базе, потпуно је јасно видљиво колико
мало простора заузима путничка железница у Савском амфитеатру.
As a reason for moving the majority of trains from railway station in the center of Belgrade from December 10th 2017, with plan to remove few remaining trains until the end of 2018 is the project "Belgrade Waterfront". In the countries of the first and second world, and even in third world countries that have a vision of development, the investors who really are that, consider the locations near the active passenger railway stations as the most attractive for high investment! The reason is that the railway is the only transport system that has the technical capabilities to transport a large number of people from large distances quickly, economically and directly, while occupying a minimum surface area. After removing unused warehouses, barns, bus parking lots, concrete bases around main railway station, it is completely clear how is little part of the land which is occupied by the passenger rail in the Sava Amphitheater development zone.
As a reason for moving the majority of trains from railway station in the center of Belgrade from December 10th 2017, with plan to remove few remaining trains until the end of 2018 is the project "Belgrade Waterfront". In the countries of the first and second world, and even in third world countries that have a vision of development, the investors who really are that, consider the locations near the active passenger railway stations as the most attractive for high investment! The reason is that the railway is the only transport system that has the technical capabilities to transport a large number of people from large distances quickly, economically and directly, while occupying a minimum surface area. After removing unused warehouses, barns, bus parking lots, concrete bases around main railway station, it is completely clear how is little part of the land which is occupied by the passenger rail in the Sava Amphitheater development zone.
Економски разумне владе света, када улажу у нове велике
железничке станице попут Прокопа, то чине ради повећања капаците и формирања
нових развојних зона. Никада како би прекинуле развој везан за локације старих
железничких станица, и ради приватне градње на неколико хектара, колико
функционалне путничке станице користе у центру града. Постоје у свету случејеви
када се жели пренамена и тих неколико хектара, а тада такве железничке станице
постају подземне, остајући на истом месту.
Economically reasonable governments of the world, when investing in new large railway stations like Prokop, do so to increase capacity and form new development zones. Never to break the development related to the location of old railway stations, and never give that for private construction on several hectares, how many functional passenger stations they use in the city center. There are cases in the world when the conversion of these few hectares is desired, and then such railway stations become underground, remaining in the same place.
Economically reasonable governments of the world, when investing in new large railway stations like Prokop, do so to increase capacity and form new development zones. Never to break the development related to the location of old railway stations, and never give that for private construction on several hectares, how many functional passenger stations they use in the city center. There are cases in the world when the conversion of these few hectares is desired, and then such railway stations become underground, remaining in the same place.
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